GRUB Tune Tester!
First number is the Beats Per Minute. -BMP
The second number is the Frequency in Mhz. -F
The third number is the Time its played. -T
Follow this with another Frequency,
then another time, then another
Frequency, then another time...
Do this with every individual
note in the melody you are working on.
Select a TUNE!
Ta-Da! (Your Name Here)
Twilight Zone! (mine)
Coleco Hit SFX (Mine)
9 Octaves Of C (Mine)
9 Octaves Of C# (Mine)
9 Octaves Of D (Mine)
Standard computer Beep (Mine)
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Mine)
Für Elise
Super Mario
Super Mario Coin
Zelda - Overworld
Super Mario Powerup
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Please use responsably!
After you find this file
in the /etc/default/grub,
Look for the lines:
# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"
Be careful to only edit this line.
Replace the numbers, save your work and close the file.
Now run this code in Terminal-
$ sudo update-grub
When you re-boot the Computer/LapTop,
Your sound will play just as GRUB starts!
Back to This Discord Channel!
Please note, Decimals can not work
in the grub file. You will need
to round up/down to a whole number!